It's no wonder Hollywood is in a panic
Is it any wonder that movies are so messed up these days? You take a known quantity like, say, one of the most recognizable fictional characters on the planet and you spend two decades and hundreds of millions of dollars trying to decide how to make a new movie.
I was reading a rather lengthy recap of the process Warners has put themselves thru in the past twenty years as they tried to figure out what to do with Superman. Even with the understandable stall following the Golan/Globus catastrophe, they found the next sizable comic to movie crossover with Batman by the end of the decade. The clues were all there. Instead, they turned to Burton, who was scuttled. The right decision probably made for the wrong reasons.
The less said about McG the better. I watched part of Full Throttle a week or so ago and it was petrifying. As for Ratner, we'll get a taste of what he could have done next summer.
Most of this stuff I had read before, but it was fun reading it all together. As with anything on the internet, some of it is innaccurate but that doesn't take away from the surreal peepshow of Hollywood suits trying to make a movie.
How do you make a Superman movie? There's only fifty years of source material as well as two examples on film, two of which work and two that don't. And that's what WB had to work with Before Batman, Lois and Clark, Superboy, Dini on Batman and Superman, The Matrix, Spider-Man, X-Men, and the character's continued portayal in the comics.
And to think that the same studio considered Bll Murray and Eddie Murphy as Batman and Robin.